Fla County Health Departments test & adopt Palintest water testing
For many years, every CES Water Quality Consultant and Service Technician has been using the Palintest 9 digital photometer to test pool and spa water. They have worked great! Recently several Florida Department of Health (DOH) county water bureaus have tested, evaluated, and have adopted (or are in the process of adopting) the Palintest method for their pool & spa water testing.
The Volusia county health department has been operating with Palintest 3’s, 9’s, and 25’s since June ‘07 with good results. The inspectors carrying Palintest 3’s can test Chlorine (Free & total), pH, and Stabilizer. To conduct the test, they simply fill the vial with sample water, dissolve a tablet reagent in the vial, press the test  button, and read the result from the digital display.
Inspectors that carry the Palintest 9’s can additionally test for Calcium, Alkalinity, Copper (Free & Total), and Ozone. Finally, Inspectors carrying the Palintest 25, can conduct 16 additional tests including Phosphates, Nitrates, Iron, Sulphates, Manganese and others.
Since then, three other County Health Departments have tested the instruments in the field, and are in the process of acquiring units for their field inspectors. Some DOH departments like their accuracy, while others like the low cost / per test and the 2+ year shelf life of the foil-wrapped tablet reagents.
Actually, this move to digital testing is not a new trend, as the entire State of South Carolina Health Department converted to the Palintest method years ago.
Why are  Palintest instruments so popular? It’s simple. They provide accurate pinpoint readings for all tests WITHOUT the errors normally associated with color-match testing.
The Palintest System is not new.  Renamed “Palintest LTD” in May 1989, the company’s roots go back to 1870’s in the UK as a manufacturing chemist and pharmaceutical wholesaling business. In the 1950’s Dr. Thomas Palin, the inventor of the DPD method currently used by ALL test kit manufacturers around the world, formed a partnership with the company to manufacture the reagent tablets used in his patented method.
Hundreds of CES customers have switched to Palintest over the years, and the feedback has been terrific. We expect that many more will switch once they are exposed to the technology from their Health Inspector’s demonstration. Once you try it, you will quickly appreciate the accuracy and simplicity of getting readings you can really trust.
In the near future, your DOH inspector may very well show up with a Palintest unit to evaluate your water chemistry. How will your test kit stack up??
 If you want to try out the popular Palintest 3, 9, or 25 test kit in order to form your own opinion, please contact your CES rep and ask about a free trial.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Palintest 3, 9, and 25 units are housed in a hard carrying case that hold the tablet reagents, testing vials, stirring rods, and is configured as a good mobile testing station. All CES units come with an additional squeeze sample bottle
for quicker testing.
The Palintest 3, 9, or 25 Systems are simple to operate, and remove many common test kit errors found in inexpensive color-match test kits.
You simply fill the vial with sample water, dissolve a tablet reagent in the vial, and press the button. Your test kit reading is displayed with no interpretation and little chance of error.
Palintest 25 unit shown without the case