Yes, its time to get ready for the winter season. What seasonal changes do we need to make to our pools in order to run more efficiently?
Chemical Feeder Sizing: Many of you turned chemical feeders to maximum output to handle heavy summer bathing loads. With cooler weather and less loading, you could potentially overshoot your desired readings, even with your chemical controller working perfectly. If this occurs, turn your feeders down slightly and monitor the results.
Water Loss & Skimming: During colder weather, there is an increase amount of evaporation from your pool, causing accelerated water losses. As you lose water, you will need to make sure your auto-fill system is maintaining proper (skimming) water level. If your water level is low, your pool will not skim properly, and you will draw most of your water from the main drain. Main drain dominance will lead to poor distribution of chemicals and heat, and will cause larger overshoots in pool chemicals. If you are suffering from these symptoms, repair or replace your auto-fill (it is required by DOH code).
Water Loss & Energy: Most of your pool heating losses occur at the pool surface. For every inch of pool water you evaporate, you lose over 18° F of pool heat. Remember, if you see steam rising from the pool, that used to be pool water, and you not only lost the water, but the tremendous amount of heat energy it took to convert to steam. So, seeing steam is like seeing dollar signs.
Pool Cover Tune-up: Some of you have invested in insulated pool cover systems that have proven to cut heating costs by over 65% in Florida. If you have T-Star / MacBall covers, now is a great time to check for wear and tear on both the covers and the winders. CES stocks many of the parts and pieces required to keep them in good shape. Please call your CES rep or your area customer service rep for more information.
New Pool Cover: If you are spending thousands of dollars to heat your pool, only to see the heat float away, then you might want to consider using pool covers. The AFO course rates it as the #1 energy saver available to pool owners. Since evaporation is the chief culprit of both indoor and outdoor pool heat loss, the best way to reduce heating costs is to control the rate of evaporation in the pool. A properly sized thermal blanket can reduce evaporation over 90 percent while also reducing radiation and convection. On an outdoor pool, the use of a thermal blanket translates into energy savings of 60 - 65 percent. On an indoor pool, the use of a thermal blanket translates into energy savings in upwards of 85 percent. Energy Saver covers are durable and are engineered for easy daily use. Many CES pool cover owners have enjoyed 10+ years of service out of their cover systems.
Special Offer: Want to see if pool covers will make sense on your facility? Log on to Under the "Product Info" category, go to the "Pool Covers" section, and then the “T-Star” section. Simply click on "Energy Audit” link. This page will explain the many ways that you can save energy on your pool heating program without swimming in a cold pool. In the bottom of this section you will also see more information on the US Department of Energy (DOE) program that helps calculate your pool heating costs and helps identify potential savings using several strategies. Download and fill out the "Pool Data Form" and fax it back to CES. We will run the savings program based on the parameters that you have entered. We will then send you a personalized 9-page DOE Pool Heating report (specific to your pool) for your review. You might be surprised how a few minor changes can save you thousands of dollars a year in pool heating costs.