In the old days, if you needed assistance or customer service from your supplier, you would pick up the phone and call. That was before you started expanding your work day, working “night shift” from home, or trying to streamline you job by knocking off some of your “to do” items ONLINE.
Thanks to your suggestions, CES has expanded our on-line customer service options in order to help you access common customer service items. Effective immediately, you can receive all the information you need to keep your CES account in top shape by using our enhanced online tools.
Customers can now request account statements and invoice copies online at:
You can also request Lien Releases for construction projects at:
You can Request Certificates of Insurance for bids and municipal purchase orders at:
You can update our credit department with information on account payments at:
You can access important information about Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) at:
You can access valuable contact information for local and regional DOH Health Departments or download common DOH forms at:
The CES Customer Service Section also outlines all CES policies for special orders, warranty, shipping, and returns.
While we prefer working face to face with our customers, we acknoledge the need for you to have online 24/7 access to these and other common customer service-related items.
As always, if you want us to add any features to this customer service section, please call (800) 940-1557 ext 152, or email a request using the newly established CES suggestion box at:
Thanks again for the opportunity to provide you with “Excellence in Water Quality Control”.