After 84 issues of newsletter, the faxed newsletter has been replaced by this new web-based communication.
On Jan 1, 2000, CES began a monthly newsletter,, designed to provide thousands of customers with timely news, features, and technical tips. Over the years, we have received great feedback that has helped guide the direction of the articles. As a continuing improvement company, CES looked for ways to make the communications better, more valuable, and available to more of our customers. Unfortunately there were many limitations to our format, so it was time to make a change.
Introducing CESWaterQualityNews, a web-based periodic communication that will continue the tradition of straight-shooting, cutting-edge, technical and editorial-based communications designed to assist you in the evolution of your overall pool operations. The new format will provide the following advantages:
•Email: Helps us reach more customers, more directly, at their reading leisure, quicker. Easier to retrieve and to store for convenient access.
•Digital: Allows us to include photos, email links, and extended explanations to help us get the point across quicker and better. Easier to read, easier to understand, easier to save access for future reference.
•Direct: Allows us to release news “as it happens” without waiting until the end of the month. Quicker info means more timely help for you and your operators.
•Feedback: Direct email feedback trail allows us to communicate better, and drives us to create better articles, quicker and more on target “CESWaterQualityControl in your facility.
Please make sure that you take the time to respond to questions or comments so that we can provide the best service possible.
Want to check out any of the first 84 issues, please search